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Previous editions
All Talks
Day 3
7:00 pm
Scalar Pre-Party
Day 1
8:50 am
Adam Warski
Day 1
9:00 am
Surprise talk
Martin Odersky
Day 1
9:35 am
Going structural with Named Tuples
Jamie Thompson
Day 1
10:10 am
Do You Even Macro?
Daniel Ciocîrlan
Day 1
11:15 am
Production-ready direct-style Scala
Adam Warski
Day 1
11:50 am
Yo Dawg, Heard You Want To FlatMap Your Direct-Style
Riccardo Cardin
Day 1
12:25 pm
Slow-Auto, Inconvenient-Semi: escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation
Mateusz Kubuszok
Day 1
2:00 pm
Exploring JVM Innovations Through the Lens of Scala Native
Wojciech Mazur
Day 1
2:35 pm
Unison, from a Scala perspective
Olivier Mélois
Day 1
3:10 pm
Inlay Hints and the X-Ray mode
Maciej Gorywoda
Day 1
3:40 pm
Retrying the retry design
Michał Płachta
Day 1
4:15 pm
Building a Concurrency Testing Framework for database transactions using Scala
Thang Long Vu
Day 1
5:20 pm
Running Scala on AWS Lambda as a native-image
Artur Opala
Michał Porażko
Day 1
5:55 pm
Shaping the Clouds - Introduction to TypeOps
Łukasz Biały
Michał Pałka
Day 1
8:00 pm
Scalar Afterparty
Day 2
8:50 am
Adam Warski
Day 2
9:00 am
Scalable Onboarding: Easing New Members into a Scala Codebase
Piotr Zawiła-Niedźwiecki
Day 2
9:35 am
Scala Sampler for Functional Soundscapes
Johanna Odersky
Day 2
10:10 am
Programming a Language
Nicolas Rinaudo
Day 2
11:15 am
Automating template management process with Scala 3 and Iron
Magda Stożek
Day 2
11:50 am
Tagless Final for Humans
Noel Welsh
Day 2
12:25 pm
What does the functor do on the tree?
Michal Pawlik
Day 2
2:00 pm
Bazel: Do We Really Need Another Build Tool?
Jaroslaw Ratajski
Day 2
2:35 pm
Better Scala builds with the Mill build tool
Haoyi Li
Day 2
3:40 pm
Durable Event-sourced Workflow Monad... Seriously!
Voytek Pituła
Day 2
4:15 pm
From Zero to Production Faster Than Your Average Meeting with Pillars
Raphaël Lemaitre
Day 2
5:20 pm
All the projects I didn't finish, and why it was worth it
Jakub Kozłowski
Day 2
5:55 pm
How Scala is made and how you can help?
Krzysztof Romanowski
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