This talk will introduce Mill: a newer build tool that does everything SBT does, but better. Faster, simpler, easier, Mill democratizes the build so you don't need to be a build tool expert to work on it.
SBT is one of the oldest parts of the Scala ecosystem. Very powerful, but also very complicated and difficult to understand and maintain. This talk will introduce Mill: a newer build tool that does everything SBT does, but better. Faster, simpler, easier, Mill democratizes the build so you don't need to be a build tool expert to work on it. From "hello world" build pipelines to massive real-world projects, this talk will explore the ways in which Mill makes build tooling *easy*, solving one of the longest standing pain points in the Scala community.
Scala 3.6 stabilises the Named Tuples proposal in the main language. It gives us new syntax for structural types and values, and tools for programmatic manipulation of structural types without macros. Can we, and should we, push it to the limit? Of course! let's explore DSL's for config, data, and scripting, for a more dynamic feel.
In this talk, I'll look at the different uses to which tagless final is put to, and see what we can learn about when it is useful and when it just gets in the way.
In this talk, I will discuss why it's hard to use the power of RT to test side-effect-heavy apps.
I will demonstrate how Pillars can take you from zero to production in record time. By leveraging Pillars’ integration of well-known libraries, you can bypass the usual complexities of setting up observability (traces, metrics, and logs), database access, API calls, and feature flag management.
During the talk, we’ll build a small effect system using solely Scala 3 context functions step-by-step.
In this talk, I'll walk you through coding and design practices I've developed over the years, whilst onboarding new graduates into world of Scala (be it typelevel based API, Spark based ETL, or ML pre and post-processings), and how I made the process easier for people who didn't have much Scala experience beforehand.