Scala 3.6 stabilises the Named Tuples proposal in the main language. It gives us new syntax for structural types and values, and tools for programmatic manipulation of structural types without macros. Can we, and should we, push it to the limit? Of course! let's explore DSL's for config, data, and scripting, for a more dynamic feel.
In this talk, I'll walk you through how workflows4s works, how it stands apart from tools like Temporal or Camunda, and why it just might be the better approach for modern, event-driven applications.
In this talk, I'll introduce Bazel, exploring its core concepts and the unique aspects that set it apart from other build tools. I'll dive into some typical challenges Scala developers might face when working with Bazel.
Discover how functional programming can inspire creativity with the Scala Sampler, a digital music instrument developed for the Sounds of Scala web audio library.