Scalar Afterparty

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Scalar community and create lasting memories

About This Talk

Join us for an unforgettable Scalar afterparty!

Location: Klub Arco

After a long day of insightful talks and networking, unwind with fellow attendees over drinks and delicious food. Bowl the night away, or simply relax and enjoy more of Scala discussions and small talks.

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Might Be Interesting

Day 2
12:25 pm
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What does the functor do on the tree?

In this talk we'll see how to model a tree structure in Scala, take both imperative and functional approaches to tree traversal algorithms, and do some ASCII art at the same time.

Day 2
9:00 am
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Scalable Onboarding: Easing New Members into a Scala Codebase

In this talk, I'll walk you through coding and design practices I've developed over the years, whilst onboarding new graduates into world of Scala (be it typelevel based API, Spark based ETL, or ML pre and post-processings), and how I made the process easier for people who didn't have much Scala experience beforehand.

Day 1
3:10 pm
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Inlay Hints and the X-Ray mode

In this lightning talk, we will discuss 2 interesting IntelliJ IDEA features.

Day 1
2:35 pm
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Unison, from a Scala perspective

This talk will be a quick introduction to the Unison "paradigm" and language, from the perspective of a long-standing Scala programmer.

Day 2
11:50 am
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Tagless Final for Humans

In this talk, I'll look at the different uses to which tagless final is put to, and see what we can learn about when it is useful and when it just gets in the way.

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Centrum Konferencyjne POLIN, Poland
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