How Scala is made and how you can help?

In this talk I will explain the inner workings of an organisation that goes into releasing, maintaining and developing Scala and core parts of its ecosystem.

Krzysztof Romanowski
Head of DX services @ VirtusLab
About This Talk

​I am using Scala from 2011 and since 2019, part of my job (and the main reason I picked it) is to grow Scala and its community. In this talk I will explain the inner workings of an organisation that goes into releasing, maintaining and developing Scala and core parts of its ecosystem. I will discuss what are those parts, what problems the team of teams face and what you can expect in the future.​Later, I will focus about ways to support the ecosystem. The help comes in various shapes and I will try to convince you that there is one that fits your needs.​As build tools are my pet peeve, expect some Scala CLI and Bazel as well!

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