Haoyi Li

Software Engineer, Author of Hands-on Scala Programming

About me

Li Haoyi graduated from MIT with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and since then has been a major contributor to the open source community. His projects have over 10,000 stars on Github, and are downloaded over 20,000,000 times a month. Haoyi professionally built distributed backend systems, programming languages, high-performance web applications, and much more.

Haoyi Li

Speaker's events

Day 1
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Better Scala builds with the Mill build tool

This talk will introduce Mill: a newer build tool that does everything SBT does, but better. Faster, simpler, easier, Mill democratizes the build so you don't need to be a build tool expert to work on it.

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Senior Scala Developer

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Software engineer at SiriusXM where I build developer tooling

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Martin Odersky

The inventor of the Scala language, a professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, and a founder of Lightbend

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