This talk will be a quick introduction to the Unison "paradigm" and language, from the perspective of a long-standing Scala programmer.
In our talk, we will introduce a novel approach to system design— TypeOps — in which the application and infrastructure layers are fused to provide unprecedented safety and productivity for Scala teams.
In this talk, I'll go through a couple of these projects, and share some of what they've taught me, as well as how their legacy affected other projects in the ecosystem. And who knows, maybe you'll get inspired to try something crazy with Scala too?
In this talk, I'll walk you through how workflows4s works, how it stands apart from tools like Temporal or Camunda, and why it just might be the better approach for modern, event-driven applications.
Discover how functional programming can inspire creativity with the Scala Sampler, a digital music instrument developed for the Sounds of Scala web audio library.